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The Backstory

For some years Pam and I had looked for an opportunity to visit the Azores.  (see Appendix #1)  Some of our interest was mild curiosity based on living in the  New Bedford area with its rich Azorean heritage.  (see Appendix #2)  A more tangible interest was footed in Norweb family history.  Harry's Grandfather Norweb played a mjor role in procuring a US airbase in the Azores during World War II.  (Appendix #3)

In June, we read about a trip to the Azores organized by the New Bedford Whaling Museum and the New Bedford Chamber of Commerce.  The trip was already fully subscribed, but fortunately some slots where added and we got two of them.  

This evening, we had a chance to meet our fellow travelers at the Whaling Museum and listen to a presentation by a representative of the Azores.  It was fun and informative, but not a confidence builder with regard to our leadership team - a triumvirate of the travel agent, a representative from the Chamber of Commerce and a representative from the Whaling Museum.

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