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Flat Stanley Goes to the Furnas Valley

Stanley is visiting the inside of a crater in an active volcano. Below the surface the ground is very hot. Water and steam percolate to the surface. The ground was warm under his feet.

This is where they cook a traditional Azorean dish
called cozido. Beef, chicken, sausages, cabbage, carrots and potatoes are layered in a pot.  The pot is placed in the ground to cook for seven hours. The pot is then removed and taken to a local restaurant.  Of course Stanley had to try the cozido. He liked it. There had a very different and delicious flavor. 
After lunch Stanley visited the town of Furnas where more hot springs bubbled and steamed from below the earth's surface. You could not touch this water because it was to hot. The smell of sulfur was in the air.
placing the pot of food in the steaming ground
covering the pot of food so it can cook for  seven hours
Stanley watching the food being removed
Cozido ready to eat
Steaming and bubbling hot springs in the town of Furnas
Stanley smells the sulfur

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