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Flat Stanley Learns about Whaling

The Azores providing harpooners to New England whaling ships which came to the area until end of the 19th century to hunt sperm whales. This activity was continued by the inhabitants of the Azores until 1984. The islanders had whale lookouts on the high shores. When whales were spotted the Azoreans ventured forth to sea in narrow rowing-sailing boats to hunt the whales. This was a large part of life in the Azores during the 19th and early 20th century. 
Products from the whales were meat, oil used in machines and for lighting lamps, perfume and candle making. Other things such as electricity replaced the need for whale oil.
Stanley looking out to the Atlantic for Sperm Whales
view out to sea
watch tower called a Vigia
replica of boats used for whaling

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