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Flat Stanley Views Landscapes and Waterfalls

The mountain sides are covered with wild hydrangeas, palm trees, ferns, tall cedars and spruce trees. The drop to the ocean is very steep in many places. There are many areas where there are waterfalls. Some are used as power to turn large stones called mill wheels to grind corn.

There are many beautiful lakes with very steep sides. That is because these lakes are in a volcanic crater. There are also flat areas here where people live along the lakes.

There are semi-flat areas where about 75,000 cows graze in fields divided by lava rock walls or hydrangea hedges. The cheese and butter made from cow milk is very tasty. There are also many goats on the island.  Goat's milk is used to makes some delicious cheeses.  There is a lot of corn grown for cows and people.  Farmers also grow a variety of other fruits and vegetables.
Stanley in the hydrangea high above the Atlantic Ocean
fields separated by hydrangea walls

rocky coast
The island has many waterfalls.
A waterfall runs this mill that grinds corn.

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